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White Paper Criteria

The following criteria have been adopted for applicants' submissions of the required TBCI White Paper:

  • The TBCI applicant will be notified in writing that the applicant has been qualified and progressed to begin the testing phase and the White Paper submittal process. There is no restriction on which phase of the overall TBCI requirements is first initiated or completed. The first step in the White Paper submittal process is to submit an investigative topic for approval by the Committee Chairman. Once the topic is approved, the candidate should submit an outline or summary of the topic and the specific points that will be covered.
  • After approval of the outline or summary, submit the completed White Paper of at least 1,000 words minimum, but certainly adequate in length to cover the investigative topic. This White Paper should be prepared with the idea of another investigator reading this as a publication for the purpose of learning and gaining knowledge about this subject that would be beneficial in future investigations or by expanding the reader's knowledge in discussions of this subject matter. The completed White Paper will be submitted for evaluation and graded in accordance with the criteria detailed in the TCI Policies & Procedures Manual as approved by the TALI Board of Directors
  • The White Paper should not be a rehash of an old investigation and may not contain footnotes but rather endnotes. It will be subject to printing in a TALI magazine. After review, evaluation, and any recommendations, the White Paper should be submitted in any word processing format electronically and must include a brief biographical sketch of the candidate's investigative history and current status.
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